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The Petshop Grooming Policy


Welcome to the Petshop Grooming. We really appreciate that you would like us to be your dog's groomer. It is our intention to offer a stress-free grooming experience for your dog. To do this please read the following:


Please keep an eye on your appointments, we do our best to contact you the day before to remind you, but some people are either out of coverage or don't listen to their voice messages and miss out on their reminders. We ask that you take the time to return our call and confirm the booking appointment.

No Show Policy

We allocate at least an hour and a half for each groom, if someone fails to show or cancels after 4pm the day before than the groomer still needs to be paid and that is a grooming spot we could have allocated to someone waiting on our cancellation list. As a result of this if you fail to show/cancel late you will be required to pay for the full groom within 24hrs, please ask instore if you require our account details. No future appointments will be allocated for you until payment has been made. A second no show will require full payment in advance each time a booking is made.


Late Policy


If you are 10 minutes or more late then your dog will receive a bath and tidy. You will still be required to pay for a full groom as this was the time slot allocated.


Grooming Policy


Please ensure your dog has been taken for a walk and given the chance to relieve themselves prior to their appointment as this can cause a lot of stress and discomfort. We will not perform any grooming procedure that causes any pain or stress that we think is excessive. In some situations this can include nail trimming.


Interrupting the groom


For the safety of the dogs in our care, as well as the groomer, it is asked that you do not interrupt the groomer while they are grooming. If your dog hears or sees you then they can tend to become excited. An excited dog can be at greater risk of injury and the groomer may not be able to continue. We do the head last, so we need the dog listening and focused. After dropping your dog off please do not step back into the grooming room area until you have been notified your dog is ready to be collected. If you have any questions after dropping off please call or see the shop staff.




In the event of an emergency, we will seek professional advise immediately. Any costs associated will be the owners responsibility. All attempts will be made to contact you.




If fleas are found during the grooming process your pet will be treated with a flea shampoo and you will be charged $10 for treatment and associated cleaning.




Please advise the groomer of any prior or pre-existing medical, physical and emotional issues, e g. allergies, sensitivities, surgeries, hip/joint issues, warts, moles, ear infections and skin issues.


In Season


If your dog is in season unfortunately she is unable to attend her groom as we do have entire males and they can find this very distressing. Please advise us immediately.




Please understand that a matted coat increases the chances of clipper burn or cuts during the grooming process. This is due to trying to get the sharp clippers between the matts and the skin. Matted fur also hides the existence of warts, moles and skin folds. The groomer will not be held responsible if this was to occur. Heavily matted coats trap moisture and left untreated can cause fungus or bacteria to grow causing skin irritations. If we notice any unusual conditions you will be notified on completion of the groom. Matting in coats is very hard and painful to remove so in most instances your dog will be clipped short. Matted pets are harder and take longer to groom so a $10 fee will be added to your groom.


Older dogs


As dogs age they tend to become less tolerant to the grooming process. This may result in you having to use calming products in the days leading up to the groom. If this does continue we may not be able to finish the groom. At some stage we may require you to bath and dry at home the day before.

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